
PUBLICATION-in-Recueil-Dalloz-Bref-apercu-de-la-directive-(UE)-20222464-du-14122022-relative-a-la-publication-d-informations-en-matiere-de-durabilite-par-les-entreprises-(CSRD)-by-Noelle-Lenoir PUBLICATION-in-Recueil-Dalloz-Bref-apercu-de-la-directive-(UE)-20222464-du-14122022-relative-a-la-publication-d-informations-en-matiere-de-durabilite-par-les-entreprises-(CSRD)-by-Noelle-Lenoir

PUBLICATION in Recueil Dalloz: "Bref aperçu de la directive (UE) 2022/2464 du 14/12/2022 relative à la publication d'informations en matière de durabilité par les entreprises (CSRD)" by Noëlle Lenoir

Transparency, transparency, transparency: these are the key words of the new company law that is taking shape through the CSR requirements imposed on companies by the European Union. The "CSRD" directive commented on here, published on December 14, 2022 and applicable from 2025 for the 2024 financial year, is unprecedented in the scope of its reporting obligations. The Extra-Financial Performance Declaration will be replaced by a sustainability report that will be scrutinized by investors and NGOs alike. The CSRD directive will therefore be a new lever for CSR litigation, which the latter are accustomed to and which companies must anticipate. Failure to do so could be tantamount to mismanagement!

The CSRD directive is in line with the "Green Pact for Europe", conceived as an offshoot of the Paris Agreement. However, the aim of this directive is not only to accelerate the ecological transition, but also to guarantee a "just transition" based on corporate social responsibility (CSR).

To illustrate this point, France Stratégie, looking ahead to the French presidency of the EU in the first half of 2022, highlighted the three regulations promoted by France with this ambition: "to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent and enshrine the European vision of a just transition". These texts are the CSRD (Corporate Social Responsibility Directive), the future CSDD (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive) - inspired by the French "devoir de vigilance" law - and the delegated acts issued by the European Commission to implement the taxonomy.


In the Recueil Dalloz of 02/02/2023

Noëlle Lenoir Avocats

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